Jeanette, Sarah, Grant, Grandma Davey and little Ivy. Recliffs.

Grant, a baby in arms with Emma, Syd and Barbara on a visit to Charteris Bay.

Grant in his first year.

Grant with Syd.

Barbara, Grant or Terry. (Approx 3 years and 1 year).

Grant taking his first steps. 12 months.

Grant in his air force uniform … approx 2 years.

Barbara and Grant.

At Christine Kennedy’s 2nd birthday party.
Left to right: Jeanette, Christine, Barbara and Grant.

At summer beach building sand castles.
Jeanette, Barbara and Grant.

A cold day at the beach.
Emma with Grant and Barbara.

Barbara, Emma and Grant whilst on a visit to “Aunty Rose” at Roseneath – Wellingtion. Approx 1943-44.
After the war.

Grant and Barbara with Emma. 1945.

Barbara and Grant with Syd. Tom’s place in the background. Approx 1946.

Grant riding trike made by Syd. Approx 1946.

Grant and Barbara in backyard of No. 8 tank on roof just installed by Syd.

Grant and Barbara with trike and pram made by Syd. Appox 1946.

Xmas Day line up with gifts.
Left to right: Little Ivy, Barbara, Jeanette and Grant.

Jeanette, Grant and Barbara.

The new addition, Barbara and Grant with baby Roger. 1945.

Grant on his first day at Redcliffs School.

Grant in a reflective mood on a mat, school photo.

Jeanette, little Ivy, friend and Grandad Davey after we’d left Redcliffs.

Barbara, Grant and Jeanette “posing” for the camera. Shag rock, summer. Approx 1946.